We are extremely excited to share our flagship publication: Lessons Learned Report from 3% Project!
We recommend that you read the Key Lessons Learned on page 14 to identify areas of your interest to read more. We would also like to draw your special attention to the Impact section on page 24.
Our 196-page Lessons Learned Report from 3% Project serves as a repository of our impact, what we tried, what worked, what didn’t work, the mistakes we made, and lessons learned between January 2016 and December 2019. We hope this is useful to your work in creating a more inclusive, fair, prosperous, and sustainable future.
16 Key Lessons Learned are:
01. Credibility is paramount to get into public schools.
02. Booking schools is painful.
03. It is difficult to understand precisely why schools booked.
04. You can’t travel like this, but we had no choice.
05. 3% Project’s unusual narrative worked.
06. Effective communication to youth is excellent communication to adults.
07. Workshops are essential to successful projects.
08. Virtual Assemblies work for classrooms not full-school assemblies.
09. French tour must be separate.
10. Paralyzing Illusion of Overwhelmedness.
11. Teachers can heavily impact the mentorship process.
12. Virtual mentorship works; teachers can do it better, but they can’t.
13. Social media is not necessary.
14. Having a professional website was a game-changer.
15. Funders have yet to adapt to address climate crisis.
16. Funders want clarity.
Intrigued? Download the report to learn more!
Join us to get a Bird’s-eye view of the impact and the 16 lessons learned from 3% Project. We will explore how we got into schools in climate skeptic communities, why we travelled so much, how we told the climate story to the students, how we worked with the students for local projects, and more. The webinar will be a 15-min report presentation and a 45-min Q&A session. Bring your questions!